Riverside County Looks To Resume ‘Live” Events” On April 1st 2021

Riverside County has picked April 1st 2021 as the date when county residents can start a little bit of living again.


That’s when Covid-19 numbers are expected to be low enough for the government to allow live outdoor events to resume in Riverside County with a few spectators on hand to watch.


That would include live sporting events and live performances.


The number of spectators depends on what color-coded tier the county is in at the time.


To refresh your memory, in 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom set up a four color tiered ranking system across California.


Get stuck in the most restrictive Purple Tier and you’ll think Chiang Kai-shek is in charge of your neighborhood.


Red Tier means fewer restrictions.


Orange TIer allows even more places to open.


Best place to be for freedom-loving people is the Yellow Ties.


Remember, social distancing, avoiding all gatherings, avoiding all other people, and wearing a facemask at all times is required in all 4 tiers.


At the moment, on Weds March 10th 2021, Riverside County is still stuck in the most restrictive Purple Tier.


County Supervisors and Public Health officials are urging people to keep getting tested for Covid-19 so people who test positive can be isolated, and Covid-19 won’t be spread to someone else.


On April 1st 2021, the following will be allowed based on which color tier the County is in at that time:


  • Purple tier: outdoor sports and other live events with an audience of 100 people or fewer. Reservations required and visitors allowed from within 120 miles. Concession and concourse sales not allowed within the purple tier.


  • Red tier: Spectators allowed up to 20 percent capacity. In-seat concession sales allowed. Concourse sales not allowed. Visitors allowed from within California.


  • Orange tier: Spectator capacity increases to 33 percent. Visitors allowed from within California.


  • Yellow tier: Spectator capacity increases to 67 percent. Visitors allowed from within California.


For more information on the state’s reopening framework and live event guidance, visit: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/CDPH%20Document%20Library/COVID-19/Dimmer-Framework-September_2020.pdf.

Visit GetTested.ruhealth.org  to make an appointment for a free PCR swab test. Other testing options can be found online at: https://covid19.ca.gov/get-tested/.



Four members of a family with a barbecue grill, by the side of a lake.

Photo from Alpha Media USA Portland OR