Covid-19 Hero Pay, Riverside County Homeless Policy, Top P S City Council Agenda
On Thursday March 11th 2021 The Palm Springs City Council will be discussing a 4 dollar per hour increase in pay for grocery store workers for 120 days during this year-long Covid-19 pandemic.
The extra money is called hero pay because those workers have been working during the public, putting their health and lives at risk, by serving in positions where they are exposed to members of the public.
However the City Council has taken up the issue without any negotiations with the store owners who would have to pay the workers the extra 4 dollars per hour per day for 120 days.
In early March 2021, the Los Angeles City Council passed a similar measure. Within days, Kroger announced it was closing
2 Ralph’s Stores and 1 Food For Less Store, citing they are underperforming stores.
Palm Springs City Council discussed the hero pay proposal in late February, and decided to bring it back for more discussion on March 11th 2021.
The Council will hold a public hearing on the city’s Community Development Block Grant Plan, and discuss what is fast-becoming a hot topic…Riverside County’s use of local hotels to house homeless people for a week or two during the Covid-19 pandemic, then letting the people out to fend for themselves in town, without conferring with City officials.
Riverside County contends it’s not a new policy, it has been doing this for several years, and the city knew about it.
The March 11th meeting is on Zoom, beginning at 5:30 p-m.
If you want to speak at the Council meeting, submit your comments to the City Clerk prior to the meeting, and no later than 5 p.m. The phone number is (760) 323-8204. At the appropriate time, a staff member will call on members of the public to speak.
Prior to the meeting, written comments may be emailed to [email protected].
Residents can watch the Council meeting live online at, on the City’s YouTube channel, or on Palm
Springs Community Television Channel 17.
Photo of Palm Springs CA City Hall during daylight hours.
Photo from Alpha Media USA Portland OR