Comparing Arrest Numbers For CoachellaFest & Stagecoach 2022
The scorecards are in and there were more arrests at Weekend #2 of Coachellafest in 2022, than there were at Weekend #1 of Coachellafest 2022 or Stagecoach Weekend 2022.
Here are the numbers.
Total arrests:
CoachellaFest Weekend #1: 112
CoachellaFest Weekend #2: 133
Stagecoach Weekend: 125
But while the CoachellaFest Weekends saw a large number of arrests for drug and alcohol intoxication, 85 on CoachellaFest Weekend #1, and 106 on CoachellaFest Weekend #2, Stagecoach saw the bulk of arrests, 64 arrests, for people using false I-D cards.
There were 57 arrests for drug and alcohol intoxication at Stagecoach.
Tattoos on arm of bartender pouring beer from a tap at a bar.
Photo by Alpha Media USA Portland OR